MediaPortal 2 - Development snapshots available!

MediaPortal 2 development is gathering momentum. Every week we're tweaking interfaces, fixing bugs, and adding features. This process is so incredibly exciting that we just have to share it, so we've decided to start releasing fortnightly development snapshot builds!

Development snapshots are automatically built installers containing the very latest code. Installing and trying them is a great way to follow our progress. We're keen to hear what you think. The feedback we receive will shape the future of MediaPortal. All comments and ideas are welcome... and in case you're a developer: we accept code contributions too.

If you haven't tried MediaPortal 2, the time is now! The first build is ready and waiting for you: HERE. So, what are you waiting for?!?

P.S.: JetBrains TeamCity is the tool that is making these releases possible. We highly recommend it.

About The Project

The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users.

In reaching this goal we are working every day to make sure our software is one of the best.


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The team works very hard to make sure the community is running the best HTPC-software. We give away MediaPortal for free but hosting and software is not for us.

Care to support our work with a few bucks? We'd really appreciate it!

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