MediaPortal 1.2.2 RELEASED!

1.2.2 is the first MediaPortal release which was developed using GIT. The learning curve is very steep, but the benefits are great!

We are very happy to present you this new release which focus is to increase the stability of MediaPortal 1.2.

Partial Changelog:

  • 3772 - Weather plugin unable to get data
    Sadly the Weather Channel disabled the free access to their API. This means that MediaPortal (among many other free applications) is no longer able to get data. Unfortunately there is no quick fix for this problem which we could add into an 1.2.x hotfix. A complete rework of the weather plugin is planned for 1.3.0.
    In the meantime, there are other weather plugins available in our Repository. World Weather and BBC Weather seem to be good choices.
  • 3746 - DaemonTools won't unmount an iso file and crash MediaPortal
  • 3760 - Playback of Multi File Cue Sheets starts at wrong position
  • 3740 - in wrong format
  • 3775 - WindowPluginBase incorrectly sets GuiProperties when it is not the ActiveWindow
  • 3752 - Cyberlink PDVD (DXVA/HAM/SW) codec version 10/11 are not available in codec configuration
  • 3711 - Watchdog does not restore taskbar after a crash of MediaPortal
  • 3684 - Fixed logging which would write the users database connection login details into the error.log in case of an unavailable SQL-Server
  • 3713 - TV-Server tries to tune a channel, even if it knows that it is unavailable
  • 3372 - it is not possible to resume playback of recorded radio
  • 3683 - TV Guide does not always display correctly if there are multiple channel groups

You can review the complete change log for 1.2.2 by using the following links:

Installation, Upgrade, Download and Feedback

Installing 1.2.2

When doing a clean installation of 1.2.2, then there is nothing special to worry about.

Upgrading from 1.2.0 final or 1.2.1 to 1.2.2

Again, nothing to worry about, all 1.2.0/1.2.1 extensions are compatible with 1.2.2. Smile

Upgrading from 1.2.0 Beta or RC to 1.2.2

If you are running MediaPortal 1.2.0 Beta or RC, then all your installed extensions (plugins and skins) will continue to work after the upgrade to 1.2.2! 

Upgrading from 1.2.0 Alpha or earlier to 1.2.2

All MediaPortal installations starting with 1.1.0 RC1 can be upgraded to 1.2.2, without losing your settings.

If you are running MediaPortal 1.2.0 Alpha or earlier, then none of your extensions (plugins and skins) will work after the upgrade to 1.2.0! You must update your extensions after the upgrade!  So, please make sure that 1.2.0 compatible versions of your extensions are available before you start the upgrade!

General note about Upgrades

Manually stop TV-Service!
On some systems our installer is not able to update the TV-Server installation because its files are locked or the service can not be stopped. In 1.3.0 we will completely rework our Installer to take care of this problem once and for all.

For upgrades to 1.2.x we recommend you manually stop the TV-Service, and make sure, via Windows Task Manager (enable the "all users" option), that the TvService.exe process is really gone before starting to upgrade.


Skin related

We are very curious what you think about our new design which we have introduced in 1.2.0. Please share your thoughts in the dedicated forum section.


If you think you found a bug then please post a detailed report in our Bug Reports Forum.

Make sure your report includes all the required information. Incomplete reports will be removed to keep the forum clean.


Finally - the download. We hope that you took the time to read this release news entirely because it includes vital information about the major changes.

If you would like to support MediaPortal, we would be happy to receive a small donation.

The team wishes you a lot of fun with this new release!

.::. Download - MediaPortal 1.2.2 .::.

About The Project

The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users.

In reaching this goal we are working every day to make sure our software is one of the best.


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The team works very hard to make sure the community is running the best HTPC-software. We give away MediaPortal for free but hosting and software is not for us.

Care to support our work with a few bucks? We'd really appreciate it!

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