MediaPortal 2 - Alpha 1 Autumn release

Team MediaPortal is proud to release yet another alpha of the upcoming HTPC revolution - MediaPortal 2!

A lot of work has been done since the summer release of MediaPortal 2. Here is a short collection of changes:

New Plugins

  • News Plugin
  • Party Music Player
  • Utilities

Skin improvements

  • New movie layout (Reflexion)
  • VideoBackground (Reflexion) (Check video below!)
  • Improved readability in content area (Reflexion)
  • New background (RisingSkin)
  • Style rework (RisingSkin)

New features and improvements

  • Better series and movie lookup:
  • Reading metadata from nfo files
  • Support for movie collections
  • Different PiP strategies: user can select if the current video should be "parked" in PiP, or will stay the fullscreen player (old way)
  • MovieThumbnailer creates thumbnails for videos where windows shell method fail (based on ffmpeg)
  • Added password control to SkinEngine
  • Added render events and statistics renderer plugin (F10 to enable stats, F11 toggle render strategies)
  • Online lookups (series, movies, weather) don't block MP2 when no network connection is available
  • Videoplayer now support dvr-ms and wtv format
  • Extended and fixed Fanart service

Further information & support

If you are looking for further information please check out MediaPortal 2 wiki first. We are heavily working to improve it.

If you don't find an answer there create a new thread in MediaPortal 2 forums.

If you found a bug, please check Mantis bug report forums first. If it has not been reported already, create a new thread.


Before installing MediaPortal 2, you need to make sure all requirements are installed.


 .::. Download - MediaPortal 2 Alpha 1 Autumn Release .::.


If you would like to support MediaPortal, we are happy to receive a small donation!

The team wishes you a lot of fun with this new release!

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About The Project

The vision of the MediaPortal project is to create a free open source media centre application, which supports all advanced media centre functions, and is accessible to all Windows users.

In reaching this goal we are working every day to make sure our software is one of the best.


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Support MediaPortal!

The team works very hard to make sure the community is running the best HTPC-software. We give away MediaPortal for free but hosting and software is not for us.

Care to support our work with a few bucks? We'd really appreciate it!

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